Thursday, September 25, 2008

Big Freaking Duh

Dear Client,

No, the bank isn't closing. Yes, your money is safe. FDIC works this way (full explanation not given cause I don't want to bore you to death).

PS- If you take your hundreds of thousands out of the bank...yes we probably will fail...and it will be all your fault. Cause and effect people.

I wish I had that much money to worry about!

Good grief.


LyndsAU said...

People are DUMBASSES :) Thank goodness you are a genius and they love you :)

Blue-Eyed Bride said...

welcome to bloggyland (as lyndsey says!)

Mojito Maven said...

YAY welcome to the biggest time waster (yet super fun community) known as blogging!

Elizabeth said...

Welcome to blogging! :)