Friday, September 26, 2008

Must See TV

Wow! What a great night of TV. If you haven't watched The Office or Grey's yet, then skip this post!

The Office! Great season premiere! I am SO suprised that Jim and Pam got engaged!! I thought for sure they would be dragging that out all season!! I love them and I was awwwwing my head off last night. I also thought it was so clever how they used the computer to still interview Pam and that they checked in on Toby in Costa Rica...poor guy. Also, LOVING the fact that Ryan is back and is the receptionist. I hope to find my Jim one day!

Survivor: Now I only got to watch the first hour before The Office and Grey's Started, but I'm already into it hardcore! I think this is a great cast and will be a great seaons. As long as my new boyfriend Marcus hangs around....

Now for Grey's. Let me tell you right off the bat...I hate almost everyone on this show. I don't know why...I can't explain it. I just have never liked Ellen Pompeo or her whiny "dark and twisty" character. The only people I like on the show are Izzie and occasionaly Cristina makes me laugh.

All that being said, I think it was a good season opener, and I'm really looking forward to the next episode (in 2 weeks)about the flood!! I am SO glad Rose is gone she was turning into a Crazy Biotch! And did anyone else notice George's gay walk down the hall? Haha Britt and I were hysterical over it. And someone please wash Lexie's hair? K, thanks :)

Well thats it for my Tv thoughts...unless I think of something else later...that is more interesting and funnier ;)


morewineplease said...

I was SHOCKED at the proposal too! We just new it was going to drag on... and maybe not happen!
Gray's was awesome...I am with you on the not liking Ellen...her charactor BUGS the CRAP out of me!!!

Monogramchick said...

Seriously! I am so glad you mentioned George's gay walk--I totally saw it!! I love Alex and Izzy and want them to get back together.

LyndsAU said...

HE is gay :) ha! I miss watchign Grey's with you!! Boo!

Izzy said...

Too funny about Grey's -- Izzie is my fav too. I just wish Addison was still on the show. Now it's just an even bigger whine fest.

Oh, and Meredith -- eat a cheeseburger!